Helen Clarkson-Fieldsend
Vice Chair
Helen Clarkson-Fieldsend grew up in a single parent BAME household in the late 1960’s and she became acutely aware of how challenging family circumstances can be. Helen says of that time that they were lucky – had a lot of support and resources – but there are many families who don’t, which is why she is so passionate about the mission of Home-Start in Suffolk.
We asked Helen to share more about why she is such an avid supporter of Home-Start in Suffolk and the work that we do:
“I have spent most of my adult life volunteering, whether at university with the Big Brother, Big Sister programme in New York City, in adult literacy programmes and non-partisan political organisations while working in San Francisco, or now as a member of the Home-Start board, in addition to raising a family of my own and spearheading the Bealings Community Hub at All Saints Church in my village.
“I feel it is a great privilege to be able to support the professionals and volunteers with whom I share a passion for helping families in their hour of need.
“While I hope that one day organisations like Home-Start in Suffolk won’t be needed, as long as they exist, I believe we must all seek to help Suffolk children thrive and families successfully navigate troubled times.
“Home-Start in Suffolk volunteers are the everyday heroes of our community and I love being able to help them help others.”
“Home-Start in Suffolk volunteers are the everyday heroes of our community and I love being able to help them help others.”