Social networking policy
Home-Start in Suffolk
Policy: Social Media (to include all forms of Social Media) policy and procedure
Status: Active
Policy Statement
Home-Start in Suffolk is committed to promoting and protecting the reputation of Home-Start and to ensuring that all those associated with Home-Start are treated with respect and confidentiality.
- Home-Start in Suffolk’s online presence
- The CEO & trustees are responsible for ensuring that Home-Start in Suffolk’s online presence does not breach our confidentiality or equal opportunities policy and that the scheme’s good reputation is maintained
- Content is only uploaded once approved by the CEO or a member of staff deputising for the CEO
- Only the following roles can upload content on social media: CEO, Fundraising and Marketing Manager, Administration Manager and subject to content approval: Income Generation Coordinators and Group leaders
- Privacy settings are set as agreed by the CEO & board of Trustees
- Photographs are only uploaded with the consent of all those pictured
- Regular checks that the social media content is appropriate and up to date are undertaken by the CEO or member of the management team on a monthly basis
- The Home-Start corporate identity is used correctly and identifies the site by the scheme name and logo
- Any complaints that may be brought up on the site are responded to at the earliest opportunity, taken to a private communication channel, and follow the scheme’s complaints procedure
- Any public communication requiring a response is only undertaken with the agreement of the CEO or a member of the management team
- Trustees and staff
- Trustees and staff ensure that they do not breach the confidentiality or dignity of colleagues, volunteers or Home-Start families if they discuss Home-Start in their personal blogs or on social media accounts
- Trustees and staff are encouraged to promote and celebrate Home-Start’s successes and news in their personal blogs or on social media accounts, within the boundaries of confidentiality and respect, as above
- Staff do not engage in personal social media activities during work hours
- Trustees and staff ensure that they do not bring Home-Start in Suffolk into disrepute by making inappropriate comments on their personal blogs or social media accounts
- Home-Start staff will not add any current volunteer (active or resting) as a Facebook friend; in order to maintain the appropriate service boundaries. Current volunteers may follow Home-Start in Suffolk fan pages or Twitter accounts and share messages from them.
- Home-Start staff and trustees will not add any family referred to or supported by Home-Start as a friend on any social media accounts. Current staff and trustees may follow Home-Start in Suffolk fan pages or Twitter accounts and share them.
- Breaches of confidentiality or equal opportunity and diversity policies are treated seriously, and may be addressed through the scheme’s disciplinary process
- Trustees and staff will not use the Home-Start logo or corporate identity materials on personal websites, blogs or social media accounts without the written agreement of the CEO. They may use and encourage others to use specific Home-Start promotional/ ‘supporter’ badges or specific appeal emblems as approved and encouraged by Home-Start.
- New trustees and staff receive this policy as part of their induction into Home-Start
- Volunteers
- Volunteers ensure that they do not breach the confidentiality or dignity of colleagues, volunteers or Home-Start families if they discuss Home-Start in their personal blogs or on social media accounts
- Volunteers are encouraged to promote and celebrate Home-Start’s successes and news in their personal blogs or on social media accounts within the boundaries of confidentiality and respect, as above
- Volunteers do not add any Home-Start supported family as a friend on any social media accounts during the period of their support by the scheme
- Once support to a family has ended, the volunteer and family may choose to continue their relationships as friends and to meet and communicate through social media sites. This is a private arrangement and outside the Home-Start service
- Volunteers will not use the Home-Start logo or corporate identity materials on personal websites, blogs or social media accounts
- Breaches of confidentiality or equal opportunities and diversity policies are taken seriously and may result in the volunteer being asked to leave the scheme
- New volunteers receive this policy as part of their induction into Home-Start
- Previous links on social medias
4.1 Home-Start in Suffolk recognises that in the community it serves, families, volunteers, trustees and staff may have been friends or acquaintances prior to their involvement with Home-Start. There is no desire to police personal relationships; these procedures are intended only to maintain appropriate service boundaries and to protect the reputation of Home-Start and the confidentiality of those we work with.
Where staff, volunteers or families have existing Facebook/social media friendships these may be maintained, but they should not at any time discuss or comment on any operational or confidential Home-Start matters on the media.
Date policy adopted: 19th July 2023
Signature of chair: Rob Thacker
Date policy to be reviewed: July 2025